In an effort to improve Health Commissioner University (HCU), we have redesigned it. We are going back to one class with 3 sessions - one session each month for 3 consecutive months. For 2019, it will be held on the last Tuesdays of the month in April, May, and June: April 30, May 28, and June 25. HCU will be held at the AOHC office, 110 A Northwoods Blvd, Columbus, OH 43235.
The total cost for the 3-day class is $250 for members. There is not a separate fee for each day. This is one class, held over three different months, and attendees are expected to attend each session in 2019. Lunches, snacks, and all meeting materials are included in the cost.
For those who attended HCU in 2017 or 2018, you needed to attend the following to have attended the full course:
Please contact AOHC at 614-781-9556 for more information and questions about attending the new version if you attended part of it in the old format.
The agenda is here. Registration for the full class is here.